OpenTest TextTemplate | test construction template
Within the QCK we have developed an open Text template that teachers and teams of authors can use to develop tests, outside of the testing program in use in their own organization. The use of this template is free. You need the QuestionConverter program (paid) to export from the template to various open test standards and a range of specific test programs. Besides that we can export to IMS QTI 2.1 format, the template can also be exported to several other open standards and a range of well-known testing platforms. Prefer to use an editor? We have that too: QuestionEditor.
Information with the template
- There are nine question types to choose from, via inserting a text-tag. The questions can be entered and also: points, demerits, sources and metadata. It depends on the target program what can be read from it.
- Question types: multiple choice, multiple response, short answer, numeric, open, match, order, fill in the blanks, select.
- There's a filled 'Example', where you will find detailed examples for each question type to be used.
- More about: [ header ], [ multiple choice ]. [ multiple response ],[ short answer ], [ numeric ], [ open ], [ match ], [ order ], [ fill in ], [ select ], [ footer ].
Downloading the template is possible from March 2023.
(c) opdendrieberg | disclaimer: opdendrieberg makes this template freely available, but is not responsible for its use.

example of coding-possibilities in the OpenTest TextTemplate